Posted by : Unknown
Friday, October 5, 2012
Ingin tampilan browser firefox anda lebih menarik ? Ganti aja dengan tema unik dan menarik yang langsung di instal dari firefox. Caranya bagaimana? Gampang sekali..
(You want to make your firefox browser more interesting? Just change it with unique and interesting theme that can be installed directly from firefox. How to do that? It's very easy)
Buka browser firefox dan kita harus terhubung ke internet. Kemudian tekan tombol "ctrl + shift + a". Setelah itu kita akan melihat add ons terbuka pada jendela baru, kemudian lihat pada bagian paling kiri bawah. Ada "see all themes" (dalam lingkaran merah), klik dan kita akan melihat berbagai macam tema.
(Open your firefox and we must connected to internet. Then press button combination "ctrl + shift + a". And then we wil see add-ons opened in new window, then go to the left bottom of the page. There are "see all themes" (in the red circle), click it and we will see many themes)
(On the above picture I choose walnut theme. Klik "add to firefox". Wait a while because the file is being downloaded. The size is small, this walnut theme is about 600 kb)
Setelah selesai download maka kita akan diminta untuk instal. Klik aja tombol installnya. (After downloading, then will be asked to install the application. Click install)
Kita akan diminta untuk merestart firefox. Klik restart atau anda bisa menutup firefox dengan menekan tombol close dan kemudian buka lagi firefoxnya. (We will be asked to restarting firefox. Click restart or you can close firefox by yourself and open it again).
Tara..., here is your new firefox appearance with walnut theme...